Monday, May 10, 2010

Sams Learner

SAMS Learner
**Things I do well and what i need to work on**
Self Manager: I think i manage myself well by getting to school on time, but i really need to work on keeping my desk tidy.
Thinker: I think i think really creativly (by saying tinkerbell in a class dissuction witch has nothing to do with the subject,) but i really think i need to think more logical.
Explorer: I think i am really adverturous with my ideas and exploring, but i think i really need to challenge myself with problems and ideas more.
Contributer: I think i can give and take answer respectfully, but i need to stick to the subject more because my mind can wonder very easily and and i am not focused very long on just one subject.
Commicator: I think i am good at sharing ideas and opinions, but i need to ask more questions. (NOT about Raibies!)

1 comment:

  1. You've said you need to think more logically. What do you mean by this? How do you think this will help you?
