Friday, June 11, 2010


OMG! (omg means OH MY GOSH!)We just had Hockey today! It was awsesome! We would of had a draw, but someone, DOT DOT DOT... forgot the goalie gear so we lost anyway. PR and BG scored most of the goals, but we all worked as a team to help get them. The game was going great for me untill i was about to tackle someone on the oppisite team, (who had the ball,) but they flicked it up and it hit my thumb really hard! Its still swolen and broused and my mum said it might be broken so i have to go to the doctors tomorrow.
:( yea...... Oh and we took PR home and we got ice cream! Yummy! It was from Mc Donalds. (Where i come from.) And yea... ok umm yea ill keep you updated to weather or not i have a broken thumb!