Anyways, so me and AW are now thinking of doing What Brand Of Bubble Gum Makes The Biggest Bubble? So yeah. If you want great tips on how to pick a topic for your science project, go to http://www.sciencebob.com
because i can't be bothered telling you! hehehehehehehe....
If you have any ideas please let us know and leave a comment! :)
seriously, leave a comment............
With regards to the bubble gum idea - this sounds like a 'which' question! Remember, product comparisons are not the best way to go for Science Fair. If you are particularly keen on looking at bubble gum, perhaps you could stick to one or two brands and look at something along the lines of length of chewing time and the impact on bubble size, maybe? (I'm sure you could come up with something better, I just want us to avoid the whole product comparison idea)
ReplyDeleteO: Awesome :'( So sad you couldn't do your first idea but I'm still liking your new Idea. Wanna see how that works out for yah! :D
ReplyDeleteI like your idea but it sounds like you are going to have to do a lot of chewing! Maybe you could do how many chews it takes for the perfect bubble or if the ones with flavour or without flavour works. Just giving you ideas, though I very much doubt you are going to use them.... Good luck!^.^