Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life Ed

The Life Education Trust came to St Andrews Middle School. We were very lucky to have them visit as we only see them one and a while. While they were here, each class had a session each week in Harold's classroom. All up we had three important sessions and we learnt about drugs, alcohol, and about why we shouldn't take them, and also about what they can do to your body.
On our first visit, we watch a video called "Shadows From The Depth." This was about what happens to the teenagers body if they drink, take drugs EG: Methamphetamine (P), Marijuana, Weed, etc... We also learnt that there are 7 stages from changing from a child to being an adult. This is called puberty and everyone gets it. It takes 7 years all up, and when your on the first steep, that's when you are just starting to climb the ladder.

On the second visit, we watched another video called "Web of Addiction." This was about if you are hanging around people or someone who dos drugs, you are most likely to do them your self and you will get caught in the web. Its the same with alcohol. Your friends can make you or make you feel like you have to drink. And if you don't, you wont look cool.
On our last visit, we learnt what drugs look like and what different names there were for them. We were in pair and we got given a card with a picture of a drug on it and we had to put it in the category we thought it would fit in best. It was quite easy when the lady said the names of a drug and we had to figger out witch one it was because it was colour-cordinated.
Also on our last visit we got to see Harold and his friend Big G! They sung us a song and it was awesome apart from Big G..... Harold was a puppet, so that was OK..... but Big G was a scary, robotic, drag-queen version of Harold! It was singing in a guys voice, but had pink lipstick and really long eyelash's! I WAS SCARED!
So if your 10 and under, i do not advise you to see Big G. You will cry in fear, because i almost did! :)

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