Monday, November 22, 2010

29 Miners Could Be Dead! - My article

29 Miners Could Be Dead!

On Friday November 19th, 29 - two escaped, miners got trapped in a mine bu an explosions caused by toxic gases. There has been no contact with the 29 miners for three days and it is possible that they could all have died from the poisonous gases. The youngest miner being only seventeen and highly inexperienced has a good chance of dying as his body can't fight the fumes as well as middle aged people, and also the oldest aged sixty-four has a good chance of dying too. But all the miners do have a fair chance of coming out alive. The person in charge of the Pike River Coalmine in Greymouth where the minors are trapped, is starting to drill a hole under ground to rescue the miners who are still trapped. They are planning to drill about 150 metres down of hard rock, but there is a danger of having another explosion, or that they could cause another explosion to happen. They just have to wait and see.

By Anthea

Thursday, October 21, 2010


For speeches this year, i am doing my speech on Ghosts and if they really exist or not. Here's my speech. Please leave comments and and tell me what i can do to make it better. :] Thanks!

Are ghosts real? Do hunting's really happen? What would you say or do if a ghost followed you around everywhere you went? Or even scary noises in the middle of the night when your about to fall asleep? Ever seen a ghost? Wondered if they were real or not? What about heaven? The after life? No one knows if ghosts are real or not. I guess it’s just what you believe…..

So, are ghosts real? Firstly, no one knows for sure. But I can tell you, that I believe in them. You might think ghosts are a load of lies and stories, but if there really is a heaven, then there should be ghosts. According to traditional belief, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a dead person, taken to be capable of appearing in visible form. Some believe that it’s a soul or spirit trapped on earth that can’t find that path to heaven after they pass away. Others believe ghosts are the bodiless spirit of a dead person that appears before the living. But no one knows for sure if spirits or ghosts are real or not. But just as much as you might think their fake, they could be just as much as real.

People believe that all ghosts aren’t scary. That there are many different types of ghosts. Some are peaceful and don’t want to harm anyone. While others can be nasty, vicious and want to haunt innocent people. But some ghost are believed to come back to get revenge on someone for what happened while on earth. Some believe they come back for “unfinished business ”. But it’s not just they way they behave. But also what they look like. Big, small, large, tall skinny. Even children, adults and old people. Some ghosts are just letting you know that they are there. If you have ever had a close family member or friend pass away, they could be trying to visit you. Thousands of sightings of ghosts have been reported all around the world but some have logical explanations to why paranormal thing have happened. Others remain unsolved.
Just like the story about a middle aged woman seeing the ghost or spirit of a little girl who go killed 10 years ago in a truck accident. The little girl was asking for help, for her to tell her mother that she was ok and safe where she was. A spirit coming back for unfinished business? Was it a ghost? Or was it just a figment of her imagination? I don’t think so. This woman has seen many other spirits before, including this little girl more than once. So, what do you think? What about the story of a little girl believed to have an invisible friend that had tea parties with her? She claimed it was her “imaginary friend”, but when her mother came one time to check on her in her room, her mother knew she was real, though she couldn’t see her, but could clearly hear her talking to her daughter. She even checked to see if her daughter’s lips were moving, but no they weren’t. The little girl told her mum that her “friend” even pinched her in the night while she was trying to sleep. At first she thought she was making it up, but she had the red marks all over her body to prove it. So, peaceful, or nasty? Well, only you can decide if you believe.

So, as a result, well…. There is none. There. Is. No. Definite answer to weather ghost or spirits do really exist. I suppose it’s kind of good that we don’t have an answer; I mean It would be kind of scary if ghosts really do exist. But on the other hand… I think it would be awesome to be able to communicate with the dead. It would be pretty cool to be psychic. Yeah, you might think that ghosts are a load of lies and stories, but you never know, they could be true. I’m not telling you to believe in them, I’m just giving you a good reason to. Like I said, I guess it’s just what you believe….

By Anthea Cameron

Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment and tell me what i can improve on!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Loud Shirt Day

Today, the 17 of September 2010 is Loud Shirt Day. We have this day to support the deaf people and to raise money for helping them. At St Andrews Middle School, we are participating in this event. You come to school wearing a loud shirt, eg: a shirt with bright florescent colours, or a shirt that has lots of colours and big, bright pictures on them and pay a gold coin donation to your teacher. It is usually a $1, but they will accept any amount of money because every cent counts. The money goes towards helping the deaf people, like little kids, and even adults who have been deaf for most of their life. :D

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Japanese Video AC & HR

This is my second Japanese video. I have learnt a little more Japanese since the last video, but not that much. In the video we are saying, Hello, Our names, Asking what’s on the picture and Goodbye. I don't think i did that mush better than last time, but i think i got more fluent. I really need to work on my eye contact and remembering Japanese because i forget really easily. I think i did alright thought

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Japanese Video AC & EC

In class Ms Fraser taught us how to speak some Japanese. We made this video to show how much we have learn't so far. In this video, we are saying, Hello, Our names, Asking how each other are, Asking whats on the picture, and saying Goodbye. I think i could of done better, because i had to use a piece of paper to see what i had to say. I also didn't really have that much eye contact, and i think i could of learn't it a bit more fluently. If i was to do this again, i would have made it longer, and said alot more because it's quite short. But anyways, i think i did ok! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Maori Video This is alink to me speaking in Maori on youtube. Our student tearcher, Miss Foy, toaught us a little maori just enough to say, hello, the nubers 1-100 and some maori greetings. Please take a look!

Never, sometimes, usually, very frequently, always.

Can I greet people in maori?

Yes i think i can greet people in Maori usually, but i think i have abit ot learn.

Can i count from 0-10 in maori?

Yes i can always count fron 1-10 in maori

Can i give nubers between 20-100 in maori?

Yes i think i can usually give number between 20-100 in maori

I think i mostly need to work on my numbers between 20-100 because im not very fluent. :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life Ed

The Life Education Trust came to St Andrews Middle School. We were very lucky to have them visit as we only see them one and a while. While they were here, each class had a session each week in Harold's classroom. All up we had three important sessions and we learnt about drugs, alcohol, and about why we shouldn't take them, and also about what they can do to your body.
On our first visit, we watch a video called "Shadows From The Depth." This was about what happens to the teenagers body if they drink, take drugs EG: Methamphetamine (P), Marijuana, Weed, etc... We also learnt that there are 7 stages from changing from a child to being an adult. This is called puberty and everyone gets it. It takes 7 years all up, and when your on the first steep, that's when you are just starting to climb the ladder.

On the second visit, we watched another video called "Web of Addiction." This was about if you are hanging around people or someone who dos drugs, you are most likely to do them your self and you will get caught in the web. Its the same with alcohol. Your friends can make you or make you feel like you have to drink. And if you don't, you wont look cool.
On our last visit, we learnt what drugs look like and what different names there were for them. We were in pair and we got given a card with a picture of a drug on it and we had to put it in the category we thought it would fit in best. It was quite easy when the lady said the names of a drug and we had to figger out witch one it was because it was colour-cordinated.
Also on our last visit we got to see Harold and his friend Big G! They sung us a song and it was awesome apart from Big G..... Harold was a puppet, so that was OK..... but Big G was a scary, robotic, drag-queen version of Harold! It was singing in a guys voice, but had pink lipstick and really long eyelash's! I WAS SCARED!
So if your 10 and under, i do not advise you to see Big G. You will cry in fear, because i almost did! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


OMG! (omg means OH MY GOSH!)We just had Hockey today! It was awsesome! We would of had a draw, but someone, DOT DOT DOT... forgot the goalie gear so we lost anyway. PR and BG scored most of the goals, but we all worked as a team to help get them. The game was going great for me untill i was about to tackle someone on the oppisite team, (who had the ball,) but they flicked it up and it hit my thumb really hard! Its still swolen and broused and my mum said it might be broken so i have to go to the doctors tomorrow.
:( yea...... Oh and we took PR home and we got ice cream! Yummy! It was from Mc Donalds. (Where i come from.) And yea... ok umm yea ill keep you updated to weather or not i have a broken thumb!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Science Fair TAKE 3

Abigail and I have decided (once again) to change our science fair topic on grass seeds. Our question will be something on the lines of What type of grass seeds grow the fastest and the best?
And yes Miss Morall, i know its a WHAT question, but its not comparing brands, its comparing types of the same brand and you never said we couldn't do that.......
This is what we think it might look something like this...
Yeah just pretend those brown squares are pots OK? umm yeah that's my amazing drawing skills coming though...
So that's defiantly what we are doing science fair on are we are pretty sure this time!
pwetty pwees!
ill be your fwend!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Science Fair** Update**

For the Science Fair, Abigail and i have chosen our topic. Yay us!! We have decided to do dun dun dun.............. Does The Bubble Of Gum Get Bigger If I Chew More Than One Piece? We are going to do our experiment out of two types of gum. Hubba Bubba, and 5 gum. We are also going to have extra questions like which one is healthiest for you? Which flavour lasts the longest? Which one is more cost efficient? In what one do you get more of? And rate the two gums out of five. (Hubba Bubba and 5) So yeah thats our project, if you have any questions or suggestions,
please leave a comment. :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Science Fair!

In room 7 we are doing a Science Fair. I am working with AW but we are still not shore on what to pick for our topic. :/ We thought about doing a volcano diagram, but we thought it would be to plain.Then we had an awesome idea of How To Make A Home-made bomb. So we asked miss Morrall. She said no :( And that sucks because we really wanted to blow up the school! :(
Anyways, so me and AW are now thinking of doing What Brand Of Bubble Gum Makes The Biggest Bubble? So yeah. If you want great tips on how to pick a topic for your science project, go to
because i can't be bothered telling you! hehehehehehehe....
If you have any ideas please let us know and leave a comment! :)
seriously, leave a comment............

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What I have learnt this week:

On Wednesday, the year 7 and 8s had sports options. A group of about 15 girls (and one boy, but unfortunately for him will soon be lady as he is in a gym where Woman Find Strength.) Emphasis on the "Women" part. Any way, so we all went to Contours Gym. We learnt a really cool way to get fit and that's the amazing fitness program called Zumba. It really fun and active way to get fit in your own home of at a gym. We danced to about 6 or 7 different songs. They were really groovy Mexican dance songs and were a fun way to move around. I found doing Zumba really awesome and i would defiantly recommend it to people who want to lose weight. This session would probably be my favourite so far cause is was actually fun exercising, but the other two sessions aren't so much fun. I wish id have given 100% to this work out because i thought it was fun, but i really want to get more fit and do it again. Next time ill be sure to do 100%. ;)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chinese Video Dialogue

This is a Chinese video filmed by AC and SL. We have said hello, our names, greeted each other, asked for telephone numbers, asked what food and drink we like and saying goodbye. We think that we need to improve on our tones, pronunciation, and trying to not to look at the piece of paper with what we need to say. Although we have to improve on these things, we think we did a pretty good job on the video. I think [Sophie] that this is a great video, and i think i improved on my Chinese during these few terms. Me think [Anthea] that we did do a really good job for a beginner but i do agree with Sophie that we need to learn our lines better so we don't have to look at a piece of paper. It did take a lot of trys to get this right, but this is a great video for someone who has just started learning Chinese, last term. :) ENJOY!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SAMS Learner T-shirt

In room 7, we have been creating our very own SAMS learner t-shirts. We had to draw images that relate to Explorer, Self-manager, Ccommunicator, Thinker, and Contributor.. We also were aloud to choose a couple of words to have on it. For
Explorer I have drawn Green coloured paw prints going around the page and I have also drawn a map with a magnifying glass on a map of New Zealand. Its brown for the map and Green for New Zealand. I have choose these colours because i thought that having green paw prints was very creative, because animals don't usually have green paws, and i did New Zealand green because i thought it would suit it really well.
For Self-Manager I drew a piece of paper and a pencil and some history and a science book. i choose to do a light pale pink colour for the piece of paper because i didn't just want to leave it white because that would be boring. :) For Communicator i drew a telephone, a facebook sign, and a MSN sign.
For Communicator i did a telephone, a facebook sign and a MSN sign because they are all ways of communicating, through internet, and telephone. I choose to do them that colour because i thought it would really suit my t-shirt.
For Thinker, i drew a big bold orange question mark because thinking can really be anything and you can think abouth anything at all. I chose orang because its a colour that really stands out.
And Contributor. I drew a stick figure of a girl and a boy playing together and lots of people holding hands around the world. I chose all these bright colours because it helps make a statement. So if you really wanted to get a message across, people would notice the bright colours. :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chinese Introduction

We have been learning to speek in Chinese in roon 7.We know how to say hello, our names, to greet each other, our telephone numbers, and say goodbye.

I think i could talk really fluently, but i wasn't to sure on how to pronounce some of the chinese words prperly.
I think i also need to work on learning some of the words off by hart, because i was looking at a book that Horim was holding for me.
So next time i want to be able to talk in Chinese without having to look at a book and to be able to speek more fluently and get my pronouncination right! :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sams Learner

SAMS Learner
**Things I do well and what i need to work on**
Self Manager: I think i manage myself well by getting to school on time, but i really need to work on keeping my desk tidy.
Thinker: I think i think really creativly (by saying tinkerbell in a class dissuction witch has nothing to do with the subject,) but i really think i need to think more logical.
Explorer: I think i am really adverturous with my ideas and exploring, but i think i really need to challenge myself with problems and ideas more.
Contributer: I think i can give and take answer respectfully, but i need to stick to the subject more because my mind can wonder very easily and and i am not focused very long on just one subject.
Commicator: I think i am good at sharing ideas and opinions, but i need to ask more questions. (NOT about Raibies!)